Conceptul de bucatarie latino-americana a venit din partea bucatarului nostru sef, a carui pasiune ar fi irosita daca nu ne-am fi hotarat sa o impartim cu voi. Astfel s-a nascut Blue Margarita, un restaurant si un concept de familie, cu care ne propunem doua lucruri. In primul rand, sa cream o atmosfera placuta si relaxata, la care sa va doriti sa veniti pentru multe ocazii diferite. In al doilea rand, ne dorim sa deschidem drumul catre niste preparate culinare deosebite, noi pe piata din Romania, inspirate din cultura latino-americana si adaptate de bucatarul nostru pentru a fi pe gusturile tuturor. Si pentru ca, asa cum am spus si mai devreme, ne dorim ca spatiul nostru sa faca pe oricine sa se simta binevenit, meniul este in asa fel construit incat sa puteti manca la noi indiferent de restrictiile dietare. Toate aceste elemente, impreuna cu o serie de cocktailuri si bauturi la fel de speciale ca si mancarea, suntem siguri ca va vor face sa va simtiti ca acasa. Bine ati venit in familia Blue Margarita!
Bucatarul nostru este inima restaurantului nostru. Conceptul de bucatarie latino-americana a inceput de la el, si de la pasiunea lui pentru astfel de preparate culinare exotice. La doar 28 de ani, Dominik Surulo are deja in spate o experienta de lucru de aproape 13 ani. A inceput sa lucreze in bucatarie in Polonia, tara lui originara, de unde si-a obtinut de asemenea si diploma de bucatar. De acolo a plecat alaturi de un prieten in Anglia, unde a lucrat timp de 5 ani si s-a indragostit in mod deosebit de specialitatile mexicane si braziliene. In Romania s-a mutat atat pentru familie, cat si pentru ce a ajuns sa devina acum Blue Margarita. In echipa noastra il apreciem cu totii nu doar pentru talentul culinar de invidiat, dar si pentru spiritul pozitiv si energia pe care o transmite zi de zi. Si pentru ca atunci cand vine vorba despre mancarea pe o gateste nu se mai poate opri din vorbit, daca vreti vreodata sa il cunoasteti nu trebuie decat sa ne spuneti. O sa vina cu cea mai mare placere din bucatarie si o sa va spuna povestea el insusi.
The concept of Latin-American cuisine came from our head chef, whose passion for food would have been wasted had we not decided to share it with you. This is how Blue Margarita was born, a family restaurant and concept, where we aim for two things. First of all, to create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, where you can choose to come for a variety of occasions. Second of all, we want to pave the road towards special dishes which are new to the market in Romania, inspired by Latin-American culture and adapted by our head chef in order to cater to everyone’s tastes. And because, as we mentioned before, we want our space to make everyone feel welcomed, our menu is built in order to cater to many different dietary restrictions. All these elements, together with a list of cocktails and drinks just as exciting as the food, we are confident will make you feel at home. Welcome to the Blue Margarita family!
Our chef is the heart of our restaurant. The concept of Latin – American cuisine started from him, and from his passion for this type of exotic dishes. At only 28 years old, Dominik Surulo already has 13 years of work experience behind him. He started working in the kitchen in his native country Poland, where he also studied and obtained his chef diploma. From there he moved together with a friend to England, where he worked for 5 years and fell in love especially with Mexican and Brazilian specialities. To Romania he moved for family, but also for what has now become Blue Margarita. In our team we all appreciate him not just for his unbelievable culinary talent, but also for his positive spirit and the energy he gives all of us every day. And because when it comes to his food he literally can’t stop talking, please let us know if you would ever like to meet him. It will be his pleasure to come out of the kitchen and tell you the story himself.
Blue Margarita – autoportret - Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 188