As fi preferat sa fie mai mic antricotul, dar si mai ieftin
Vacamuuu 2, cunoscut si ca Vacamuuu GWT, adica Vacamuuu de la Globalworth Tower din Floreasca, langa Promenada Mall, e al doilea restaurant steakhouse al celor care au deschis primul Vacamuuu in Piata Floreasca, acesta al doilea deschis cam de vreun an.
Vacamuuu 2 e facut dupa acelasi concept si cu design asemanator, dar parca nu arata atat de bine ca Vacamuuu din Piata Floreasca. Si pentru ca am fost la pranz, cand au inceput sa intre cete, cete de corporatisti in cautare de meniuri ale zilei cu preturi reduse. Nu prea e de mers la Vacamuuu 2 in jurul pranzului daca vrei sa mananci linistit, e mai ceva ca la gara acolo. La fel ca la toate restaurantele din jur si din Promenada Mall, de altfel. Interesant a fost ca la Vacamuuu 2 am vazut si cativa oameni de business putred de bogati, alaturi de corporatistii tineri, care acum doar viseaza la cat de putred de bogati vor fi intr-o zi.
Nu am stat sa compar meniul de la Vacamuuu 2 cu cel de la Vacamuuu din Piata Floreasca, dar presupun ca sunt cam la fel, daca nu chiar identice. Am luat un antricot si spanac. Spanacul a fost foarte bun, facut chiar ca la marile restaurante cu bucatarie fina, ceea ce nu intalnesti prea des in Bucuresti, chiar daca nu e mare lucru de facut. Antricotul, venit alaturi cu niste cartofi prajiti si ceva salata, nu a fost la fel de bun. Mi-au spus ca e cu vita Limousain, din Franta. Nici gustul si nici textura nu mi s-au parut la fel ca la alte antricoate mancate in cele cateva mari steakhouses din Bucuresti, insa le-am lasat nota maxima la vita pentru ca stiu ca celelalte, mult mai scumpe, sunt ceea ce trebuie sa fie.
Si ca vorbeam despre preturi, Vacamuuu 2 e un restaurant foarte scump. E drept, antricotul a fost foarte mare, a si ramas in farfurie o bucata din el, pentru ca nu am putut sa-l mananc pe tot. Mi-a parut rau pentru risipa si pentru bani, si presupun ca li se intampla si altora la fel. In locul turcilor de la Vacamuuu 2, eu as pune bucati mai mici de carne, dar si preturi mai mici, pe cale de consecinta.
Serviciul a fost surprinzator de bun la Vacamuuu 2, mai ales ca aveam experienta celor de la Vacamuuu din Piata Floreasca, cu care nu prea am fost pe aceeasi lungime de unda. Un chelner mai slabanog, sau sef de sala, ceva, ce o fi fost, ca era in blugi, nu in costume negre, ca ceilalti (foarte numerosi), a fost foarte natural si zambitor. Ba chiar s-a oferit sa-mi schimbe antricotul cand i-am spus ca nu-mi place, insa nu l-am luat in serios.
Vacamuuu 2 e, asadar, o mare cantina corporatista pe la pranz, dupa care presupun ca revine la normal si seamana cu un (o?) mare steakhouse, asa cum si este perceput Vacamuuu, de altfel, cu sau fara o cifra la coada… (GB – ianuarie 2018)
Pret mediu pe meniu: 318 lei (49 lei antreurile, 150 lei felurile principale)
It’s a big fancy restaurant that can afford to lose a customer or two, If you can afford to have a bad $50 meal, take a gamble, others seem to have enjoyed it…
I wanted to splurge on a nice steak dinner, mid price on their menu is an aged ribeye for 175 lei, the waiter told me I should choose the one for 200, but I’m on somewhat of a budget…
Vacamuuu potatoes is fries. Salad is cabbage, and not much of it.
I asked for it to be cooked medium, it came out rare (really „blue” with the texture of raw). Since it costs $50, I returned it, it came back cooked well in places, medium in others, I returned it. The waiter apologized and said „If you’ll allow us, we’ll get you a new steak–medium? Medium?” I hate conflict, I said ok.
The 3rd time, my steak came back cut into 4 pieces and „stacked”, I assumed that was the cook verifying that it was cooked medium. the two pieces visible were perfect and I accepted it. After eating 1/2, I discovered the other 1/2 was cooked well done and I found the area that I had cut previously, it was the same steak. I asked the waiter if it was the same steak I had previously refused, he looked at his shoes and mumbled.
I complained but the waiter gave me the bill for the full amount. He actually said that he had told me to choose the other steak! I paid the full amount and tipped the waiter with no apologies from the management.
This was probably a once in a while occurrence BUT, they didn’t make it right, they left their customer holding the bag. I felt ripped off, and they’re ok with that.
Comentarii (1)
It’s a big fancy restaurant that can afford to lose a customer or two, If you can afford to have a bad $50 meal, take a gamble, others seem to have enjoyed it…
I wanted to splurge on a nice steak dinner, mid price on their menu is an aged ribeye for 175 lei, the waiter told me I should choose the one for 200, but I’m on somewhat of a budget…
Vacamuuu potatoes is fries. Salad is cabbage, and not much of it.
I asked for it to be cooked medium, it came out rare (really „blue” with the texture of raw). Since it costs $50, I returned it, it came back cooked well in places, medium in others, I returned it. The waiter apologized and said „If you’ll allow us, we’ll get you a new steak–medium? Medium?” I hate conflict, I said ok.
The 3rd time, my steak came back cut into 4 pieces and „stacked”, I assumed that was the cook verifying that it was cooked medium. the two pieces visible were perfect and I accepted it. After eating 1/2, I discovered the other 1/2 was cooked well done and I found the area that I had cut previously, it was the same steak. I asked the waiter if it was the same steak I had previously refused, he looked at his shoes and mumbled.
I complained but the waiter gave me the bill for the full amount. He actually said that he had told me to choose the other steak! I paid the full amount and tipped the waiter with no apologies from the management.
This was probably a once in a while occurrence BUT, they didn’t make it right, they left their customer holding the bag. I felt ripped off, and they’re ok with that.