Joseph by Joseph Hadad, martie 2017
Cel mai vechi mare bucatar de bucatarie fina din Bucuresti?
Pe Joseph Hadad il stiu de foarte multa vreme, de pe cand era chef la Casa Vernescu, in vremurile ei cel mai bun restaurant din Bucuresti, pentru o buna bucata de timp.
Cum Joseph Hadad a devenit un brand intre timp, cand s-a inchis Casa Vernescu niste investitori i-au propus sa-i faca un restaurant chiar cu numele lui – ceea ce s-a si intamplat.
Au luat o casa foarte frumoasa in cea mai scumpa parte a Bucurestiului, intre Kiselev si Bulevardul Aviatorilor, au renovat-o complet, si i-au spus restaurantul Joseph, by Joseph Hadad, cu repetitia din nume menita sa sublinieze esentialul.
Nu e mare casa din zona cu case scumpe. Are trei saloane destul de mici la parter, iar la etaj un fel de mansarda, cred, foarte frumos amenajata, insa in care nu am vazut vreodata pe cineva. Clientela femeiasca, in special, refuza sa urce acolo, pentru ca trebuie sa se catere pe o scara circulara deschisa, extrem de ingusta si de abrupta, si nu vor sa arate oricui nearatabilul in public.
Terasa lui Joseph Hadad e foarte frumoasa, mare, are si o pergola acoperita in margine. Daca ar fi avut si un singur copac, macar, si niste mese si scaune ceva mai elegante, i-as fi pus si acolo nota maxima.
Joseph Hadad e un bucatar international, si meniul lui e la fel. E umblat prin lume, creativ, stie cam tot ce e important de stiut intr-o bucatarie fina, asa ca ii este usor sa faca orice. Sunt sigur ca ar putea sa faca si un meniu de nota maxima, si asa ar iesi daca ar sta el in bucatarie ca sa gateasca. Insa nu cred ca si-a propus asta, si-or fi facut ei niste calcule si au ajuns la concluzia ca aceasta este formula optima, cu mancare buna si foarte buna, insa nu de adevarata Grande Cuisine, ca sa poata sa tina preturile sub control, si sa-i ramana si ceva timp liber lui Joseph, sa nu trebuiasca sa prinda radacini in bucatarie, la varsta si, mai ales, la faima lui.
Serviciul e bun la Joseph Hadad, chiar daca multi chelneri de acolo nu au vreun instinct de client service sau vreun zambet cat de cat natural.
Preturile sunt mari la Joseph, o masa in doi, cu o sticla de vin bun, iti scoate pe nesimtite 500 de lei din portofel. Insa nu cred ca te simti inselat, nu sunt cele mai mari din oras si, oricum, mancarea e printre cele mai bune, daca nu chiar cea mai buna din aceasta categorie a bucatariei internationale.
Joseph by Joseph Hadad e, in momentul in care scriu, in fruntea Listei Restocracy a marilor restaurante din Bucuresti, daca nu luam in calcul un restaurant cu specific pescaresc, cu care nu se poate compara, totusi, fiind lucruri complet diferite. Asadar, daca va cere cineva sa-l duceti la cel mai bun restaurant cu mancare fina din Bucuresti, nu riscati prea mult daca ii propuneti Josep by Joseph Hadad. (GB – martie 2017)
Top Cuisine by Joseph Hadad
Joseph is that special place where you always come back. For fine tastes, for special culinary experiences, for positive karma, for quality time, for guilty pleasures. A restaurant that combines the cult for gourmet cuisine and the need of collecting memories in a comfortable, welcoming and refined space.
The venue is an old classy house, adopting a contemporary, minimalist design, yet elegant and very cozy, whereJoseph is waiting for you every day, with his unique dishes, which can only be explored here.
At Joseph, every meal is like a culinary tour around the world, a gastronomic ritual, customized for each preferences. The menu, created with passion by chef Hadad together with his team, shows creativity and the experience of over 30 years of hard working and research. Joseph’s universe means a fusion of tastes, textures, combinations and unique flavors ready to please the most demanding gourmets.
Chef Joseph Hadad
During the last 35 years, Joseph Hadad has dedicated most of his time to his greatest love – Top gastronomy and Haute Cuisine, his talent being noticed by both colleagues and customers in different places famous worldwide: Germany Kempinski Hotel, Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Boston, Savoy Hotel London, Michelin restaurants in Paris and more.
Joseph Hadad holds the secrets of over 2000 recipes sophisticated and, as the star of international cuisine, had the opportunity to create real culinary shows for global celebrities such as Bill Clinton, Francois Mitterrand and Margaret Thatcher, for King Hussein of Jordan, King Juan Carlos of Spain and Prince of Lichtenstein. Movie stars and pop-rock legends were also guests Joseph Hadad; Among them, Robert de Niro, Madonna, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson and many others.
The Menu
Joseph Hadad greets its guests with an international gourmet menu, healthy oriented. A combination of flavors and textures inspired from the fine gastronomy around the world, mixing French, Italian, Spanish, Oriental, Asian and North African tastes. Using only quality ingredients, the presentation of our dishes is truly a sensational artistic statement. We combine some secret flavors with cutting edge cooking techniques and the most creative plating for an unforgettable dining experience.
Joseph is a highly reputed place, with a professional team prepared to host the widest variety of business and social gatherings, with 3 different spaces which can accommodate from 30 to 100 people.
You can control every aspect of the setting and the menu. We are working closely together with our clients to find the suitable concept for them, being able to adapt on any level of budget, upon request. Our team can provide affiliate services, such as TV Screens, DJ, custom lights, flowers and decorations, special arrangements, through trustful partners, at special offers.
- The restaurant – up to 50 persons for sitting events or up to 80 persons for standing/buffet set-up
- The French roof – up to 30 persons for sitting banquets or up to 40 for standing/buffet set-up
- The Terrace – up to 70 persons for sitting events or up to 200 persons for standing/buffet set-up
Joseph by Joseph Hadad (click to open)
Joseph by Joseph Hadad, martie 2017 - Str. Dr. Ion Cantacuzino, nr. 8