It Cucina
It Cucina: oare ce or fi vrut sa spuna cu “our Michelin star chef”?
La inceput au deschis Limo Cuisine, un restaurant mare si frumos in parcul Herastrau, dar cu mancarea nu pe masura locului si a investitiei. Nu m-am mirat foarte tare, asadar, cand am auzit ca il inchid, si am asteptat sa vad ce vor pune in locul lui.
Sunt aceiasi proprietari. Au facut o schimbare radicala: amenajare noua, bucatar nou, au schimbat si numele, acum se cheama It Cucina.
Au reinvestit iarasi multi bani in amenajare, care e acum remarcabila. It Cucina e unul dintre cele mai frumoase restaurante din parcul Herastrau si din Bucuresti. Pozele arata in parte ce e acolo. In realitate e mai frumos. Cu plante scumpe, mobilier de cea mai buna calitate, pereti de sticla, desigur, catre lac si catre marea terasa cu piscina. Doar presuletele de plastic de pe mese sunt din alt film.
M-am gandit ca va fi tot un restaurant cu bucatarie italiana clasica atunci cand i-am vazut numele, It Cucina. Si, mai ales, cand am vazut si cuptorul de pizza la intrare. Da, meniul e surprinzator de conservator, de traditional, cuminte, felurile obisnuite din marea bucatarie italiana, sau foarte apropiate de ele, oricum.
Pe site-ul lor scrie mare, chiar pe prima pagina: It Cucina – The fine taste of Italy. Foodies from Italy, prepared with so much love by Salvatore la Ragione, our Michelin star chef. Frumos spus! Insa eu am ezitat daca sa pun It Cucina in lista restaurantelor cu bucatarii fine. I-am pus pana la urma, cu inima indoita, si doar pentru… (citeste tot)
Limo Cuisine si marea lui inventie: crevetii inveliti in bacon cu tot cu crusta!E clar acum: Limo Cuisine nu e un restaurant cu bucatarie italieneasca fina, asa cum ar vrea ei sa ne lase sa credem...
It Cucina - Sos. Nordului 1, Sect. 1 (Parcul Herastrau)
Comentarii (2)
Nu ne-au adus comanda intr-o ora( nici nu s-au apucat de gatit)
The waiter were very friendly but the owner of the restaurant!:
1- I ordered Truffle pasta, it wasn’t al dente, so I returned it after explaining;
Some man approached me with that arrogant agressive attitude without even introducing himself, I was scared, he said “whats the prob!” I said sorry? He was like what’s the problem with the pasta, I said it wasn’t al dente, he said yes it was! I said really? Pls try it, he said I did and everybody inside the kitchen did! And I have a Michelin chef, then I didn’t want to argue, I decently ended the conversation with a smile and said “well that’s my opinion :)” so he left, but he kept on going around our table back and forth outraged, then finally never brought the pasta again and added it to the bill,
I found that very unprofessional, rude and unfriendly from his side,
Normally I appreciate when the owner of the restaurant is present, but that case was the opposite.
2- my glass of wine was broken but I didn’t say a word anymore 🙁
3- I also ordered shrimp tartar which was awefully greasy and smelly, I returned it and still paid for it
4- pizza with spicy salami was gd (finally I could eat something there)
5- overall good was less than fair in my opinion.
6- waiters nice and friendly
Overall bad experience and not recommended.